Saturday, 19 October 2013

A Week In Peaches Pantry

With the weather being so cold out (below 50 degrees is cold for me!) I am not motivated to work on any projects or furniture redos. Food is on my mind! While I don't cook, I will admit I've been thinking about stepping up my game. Let's be clear, I haven't acted on that thought yet but I did think it... at least once.
Anyway, I am more than happy to pick out new dishes for us to try via my Health and Cooking Light Magazines I get once a month. I enjoy getting excited about food. I honestly think it helps keep me on track health wise. When I have a meal to go home to that I'm excited about, I find myself not snacking or yearning for anything other than the meal we've planned. And once we've eaten, I am completely satisfied.

For this week I thought we'd concentrate on one subject, food. I am titling it A Week In Peaches Pantry. This is a real live version of food we are going to be having this week. There are going to be photos, recipes, and of course opinions. Hopefully through us sharing these with you you'll be inspired to try something new. One thing you should know about us, we will try any food at least once.

In having this kind of attitude I find we expand our tastes and knowledge and usually end up being very surprised at how much we like such odd combinations (oranges and nutella spread with sea salt for example... stay tuned, that's coming up later this week).

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! I just have a question about your blog! I'm Heather and if you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!
